Monday, June 4, 2012

As soon as I announced it...

Gentleman Oscar died. I woke up this morning and there was no swimming. Its sad. I called Steve and told him that he now needed to buy me a puppy because he said I was only allowed to have one pet at a time.  But maybe I shouldn't get a puppy. I've proven myself to display the same sense of responsibility at 24 as I did when I was 5 when it comes to raising a goldfish. 

I texted my sisters and told them about the loss of their beloved goldfish friend.

Katie responded with "Taps will be playing from Henry"

Emily said ":( He was a noble fish. I will keep my memories of him wherever I roam in this world, and into the next. Until we meet again"

I thought Em's response was moving. 

So, Gentleman Oscar was laid to rest in a ziploc baggie in my garbage can. I was too afraid to flush him because I didn't want him to clog my toilet.

1 comment:

  1. Awww....very sad.
    My co-worker mentioned that her son's goldfish just died over the weekend. Hmmmm....I think it is a little fishy.

    They learned that gold fish build up a lot of ammonia in their tank and if the tank is little it is too much for them to handle. The pet store worker suggested a Beta fish instead. They are much heartier, but they are also jumpers.
