Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bonding time

The other night, Em, Steve, and I were all sitting around the kitchen table just chatting. I had bought a new heater for my room so Steve was trying it out. He took off the "plug in protector" (I'm not sure of its technical term) for the prongs and threw it on the table.

As we sat there messing around, this is what developed soon after.

Emily was making a kissy-face at Steven. So Steven, being the mature one of the bunch, decided to shove that piece of two- pronged plastic up Emily's nose.

 As one would assume, she didn't enjoy that.

 Her screaming and laughing was very entertaining. 

 Steven was proud of himself, Emily was sad. 

 Emily then gave him the "evil look"

And she smacked the smile off of his face. See his disappointment and hurt?

This is frightening because I think that they are getting a little too close....
But, I was thoroughly entertained for a few minutes. 

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