Being done with school for the semester, I felt obligated to bake because I've only made cookies once and a cake for thanksgiving since school has started, this is unlike me. So, I chose to make Christmas cookies to take to family gatherings and then some chocolate chip cookies for Judd and Steven.
I baked for 7 hours.... never again.
the supplies
the cookies
prep for bake time
some of the cookies
deliciously glazed sugar cookies
This is my man slave who does the dishes.... not really, but he did help out a lot. I may have threatened the fact that he wouldn't get any cookies otherwise.
20 dozen cookies later (not all are shown, that's about half)
My man slave making dinner, actually re-heating soup my gypsy mother maid.
20 or so dozen cookies later, I was tired and full of cookies. My new year's resolution is to not eat in January so I can lose the wait I gained from all those delicious cookies. It may work, I'll probably make it til lunch on the 1st. Wish me luck haha
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